Glycerine Market Report Q1

The Corona pandemic made 2020 a turbulent year worldwide: Raw material and freight markets were shaken, and global flows of goods were massively disrupted. The glycerine market was no exception: Because car and air traffic fell drastically, demand and production of biodiesel dropped. As a result, less of the most important by-product of biodiesel production, glycerine, came onto the market. Prices rose.

In the current second Corona wave, prices are back at a high level. Where they will be in the coming weeks depends on the availability of the raw materials. How will acreage develop? What impact will changing export taxes in Indonesia and India have? And what will happen when biodiesel production is switched to summer specification?

In the latest market report for Q1 2021, our glycerine team has compiled the most important information for our trading partners. Are you interested in receiving a copy? Then please feel free to get in touch with your contact persons.